Web friends
Boats that we meet during the trip

UtPåTur, our new boat : https://utpatur.eu
After 16 years and a half of minimalistic adventures onboard Saltimbanque, we are leaving again on a robust Cordova 40 named UtPåTur.

Penn Gwen : pingouin-tropical.com
Chris, Steph, Solal and Ulysse, sailing on a RM 12
Met in Dominica.

Umialtak : umialtak.com
A family of Quebeckers very friendly on their beautiful green boat.
Met in Madeira, and seen everywhere again from Senegal to Guadeloupe.

Ratafia : ratafia.over-blog.com
Sandrine's trip on her Ratafia, same length as Saltimbanque: 8m50. One more colleague who left for the high seas !
Met in Cayenne.

3 gouttes: 3gouttes.com
Manu, Sophie and little L�o sailing around the Atlantique on a Moody.
Met in Palmeira

Sya: twobor.blogspot.com/
Flying dutchman Richard sails solo his nice Hallberg-Rassy 32 around the Atlantic
Met in Funchal

Aumadatroi : aumadatroi.unblog.fr
Philippe has "the universe of possibles opebning in front of him". He skips the same big aluminium catamaran as Antoine (made for going around the world and back!).
Met in Paris berofe we left

Ster-Vraz : stervraz-en-voyage.blogs-de-voyage.fr
Lisenn and Julien, also sailing around the Atlantic on a Rush.
Met in Figueira da Foz

Jingle (previously Traou-Mad) : http://catamaran-jingle.blogspot.com/ previously spiritoftraoumad.blogspot.com
Sandrine and Eric, gone for a while on their Idylle 11,50 and then a Fountain-Pajot 45.
Met in Porto Santo

Taoz : levoyagedetaoz.blogspot.com
Matthieu, Anne-Ga�lle and their two sons travelling for a year around the Atlantic.
Met in Tenerife

Shadok 2 : ajaga.heoblog.com
Achille and Jocelyne, sailing to Porto with an Aquilla.
Met in Camarinas

Home of jazz racing : www.homeofjazzracing.nl
Blog of a dutch racing sailor that we met in Dover.

Other sites

First journey of Saltimbanque : http://saltimbanque.chez-alice.fr/
Discover the first journey of our boat Saltimbanque, from Brittany to Brazil and back via the Antilles. 3 year trip (2004 - 2007). In French only.

Lafko around the world : http://lafko-2010-2011.blogspot.fr
The journey from Malaysia to Brittany via Cape of Good Hope of a colleague and his friends. 1 year trip (2010). In French only.

Sailing school les Gl�nans : http://www.glenans.asso.fr/FR/welcome/index_welcome.php
An internationally known sailing school, in beautiful places (pick Paimpol !!!)

A brilliant weather site: http://www.cotweb.com/
Weather forecast worldwide: pressure, wind and swell charts.

Another good weather site: http://www.passageweather.com/
Detailed wind and swell charts.

Sail The Word association: http://www.stw.fr/
Numerous services for long distance sailors, much useful information!