July the 20th, 2012
Full Circle
Early afternoon under the sun, Saltimbanque sails the last 10 miles from the Glenan islands to Concarneau harbor. On the jetty there stands a painted welcome-back sign, a fog horn is blown: our families and some friends are here to see us back!! A few minutes later the boat is quickly moored to the visitors pontoon to receive the first drops of champagne: more than 13000 miles in 14 months, thank you Saltimbanque you’re the best of boats!

Back !!

Fan club
In the whirlpool of the first days we’re enjoying the comfort and security of the shore, spending some quality time with our families… and we’re working on the last articles – don’t worry :o)
03rd July 2012
Back home !
It has been a difficult journey: not straight, not dry, not quiet, not always funny, but on this Monday July 2nd in the morning, after a dreadful night under the rain and again 30 knots wind, we can see the land ! Well, not for long as it disappears right away behing the misty rain...
Since a few days already we could see the signs: we receive French radios, the water is green, there are fishing boats, yellow-head gannets, cargo ships everywhere, no doubt we are back home !
Finally we land in Penzance at the very end of England, deep in this Cornwall that we like so much, in the Channel, our beloved sailing garden. Even though we could not reach Ireland directly because of the bad weather, our disapointment disappears quickly when we moor Saltimbanque in the dock of this typical little harbour.
We have come back, we did it, we sailed around the Atlantic ocean !!!!

Waiting for the tide on a buoy in Penzance, and yes, we are super happy to be here !!!!
29th May 2012
Saltimbanque is in Florès !
Monday May 28th, 5pm, the side of a montain suddenly limits our infinite blue horizon... Florès island raises up in front of us, just a dust of earth in the middle of the endless ocean, but with a wave breaker - and so the nice promise of shelter !
A few hours later, under the moon light and pushed by a fair wind, we enter in the small harbour of Flores. So happy to see that the marina is indeed there, with a free berth for us and other sailors who come and help. May 29th, 00h UTC, Saltimbanque is safe inside, sheltered from the sea and the wind that will blow at gale force in a few hours. The crew can relax and falls asleep within minutes !
It took us 19 days and 10 hours to cross the ocean, from Saint-Martin to Florès, a very satisfactory time for an 8m boat ! We have had very good weather conditions in general, and were able to follow almost a direct route: 2250M sailed for 2000M in straight line, i.e. an average speed of 4,85 knots.
The boat is in perfect shape, our only technical problem being the outboard engine, which died the last day in Saint-Martin! The crew is a bit more tired, but how nice it is to duck under the blankets after a 12h night when outside it rains in 45 kts wind gusts!!
See you soon for a detailed article on our trip ! |

Landing in the Azores deserves a proper celebration : champagne !
25th May 2012
The last run
25th May at 1500 UTC, 37°07N 39°05W, 5.7kt heading WNW
It's now more than 16 days that we've set sails, the longest time at sea so far! (The crossing to the Antilles took 16 days exactly). The finish line 400 miles ahead
is coming closer more and more rapidly as the wind is increasing - yet never fast enough for us!
During the last days we have been reminded of the variety of the weather in European latitudes, quite forgotten after our long tropical summer in universal tshirt
and shorts and sunscreen. There's been grey skies, bright sunshine, drizzle, cold wind, warm(ish) afternoons... the colours of the sunsets have changed, less violent,
more diffuse. No day has been similar to the one before: sailing closehold to the winf, then quarter back, then closehold again but on the other tack, then to the
beam, slowly dying. During a long day of calm Nestor has behaved perfectly, valiantly keeping us going to a reasonable 4kts around the clock.
Now the wind is back to the stern, freshening a little even. No time to rest during the next couple of days, as a steady to increasing wind is expected to thurst
Saltimbanque on the last run to the Azores!
20th May 2012
Gone with the (trade) winds
20th May 1500UTC, 34°27N 49°16W, 6knots, course 70°
10 and a half days later, we finally reached the middle of the journey:
1100 miles sailed, and again some 1000 miles to reach Flores, an ocean is
actually a wide wide pond!
This half-way check point corresponds also to a change in the weather
system: we are now out of the trade winds in which we have sailed since
last October and are going back in the lows and highs kingdom, the same
system as in Europe. Now we have to keep a close eye on the weather
evolution (what d?you mean, the wind can also blow from the west ???), our
new best friends are the satellite phone and the barometer to guide us
between the lows. The game has started already: we are currently sneaking
just south of a first strong front.
Luckily we?re reasonably rested, as the last days were quite relaxing
despite the permanent heeling of the boat: stable conditions with a bright
sun, and even fresh meat: a nice yellow tail tuna already made us 4 good
meals ? and there is more left !
15th May 2012
Out of the Tropics!
14th May at 1600UTC, 26°05N 57°17W, 4.5kts course 45, through annoying
sargasso banks
5 days at sea, 5 days closehold to the wind - and so many more to come!
With the boat continuously eeling we feel one of our leg becoming shorter
than the other... After a few wet and exhausting days (a very variable
wind left us little time to rest), the last 24 hours have been a welcome
change of ideal weather, the sky lit with sun or stars, 3bft wind and a
moderate swell - heaven in high seas :o)
For the first time in 7 months we are out of the tropics - and we can feel
it! Every day the water gets colder, the breeze cooler, we now have to wear
long sleeves AND a light rainjacket at night - can you imagine! The sky is
different, the clouds higher and lighter, the sea always as beautiful. We
see quite a few cargo ships, a couple of yachts, some birds even... and
still no mahi-mahi on our fishing line :o(
We'll be sailing on close to the wind, northeast by north, for another
couple of days, searching for the westerly winds that will push us to
our destination...
21st April 2012
Saltimbanque, blog of the month in « Voiles et Voiliers »
One morning, we receive an odd text message saying that our website le-voyage-de-saltimbanque would be elected as « blog of the month » by the famous French magazine Voiles et Voiliers. Errr, is it a joke ? Where is the camera ? Well, actually we checked and it is unbelievably true !!!
So we would like to thank our parents of course, our producer, and the whole team who has done such a great job… sob… sorry too muche motion…
This web site let us keep a track of our adventure and share it. So welcome onboard !

8th April 2012
Happy Birthday Captain!!

Today Saltimbanque and the crew are proud to celebrate their Captain's birthday! She's 30, and crossed one ocean already :o)
From the cockpit in the tropics she's sending you a bright sunny smile. Please join the crew to make this day an unforgettable birthday!
Febuary 19th, 2012
Where is Saltimbanque?
In Union...

In Mayreau...

In the Tobago Cays...

...and now at Le Marin, Martinique !
From one turquoise island to another, the article will still need a few days to arrive. But we are already making the most of the sweet "Mawtinik" !
January 10th, 2012
Happy New Year!!
Funny, we have still been being in the summer, though we changed year... but indeed the GPS reads January 2012 under our position !
Saltimbanque and we wish you much happiness for this new year, may the adversity spare you and let you free to achieve whatever is important for you.
In particular, better to hurry realizing your dreams. You never know, if the Mayas were right time is running out ;o)

26th December
Hohoho Merry Christmas!!
This year for Christmas we wanted South America !
24th December 2011, after 16 days and 2 hours at sea, 1905 milles further: Land ahoy! We are in French Guyana! We did it, we crossed the Atlantic!!
Saltimbanque is moored at the pontoon in Degrad des Cannes, a few km off Cayenne. The sails are down, everything is silent inside, the noises have stopped, which had accompanied us day and night since the other side: the water relentlessly beating on the hull, the mast tensed and creaking, the helm and wind pilot struggling in the waves…
We celebrate the crossing as well as Christmas, under the kind supervision of Santa Shadok. Foie gras, woodpigeon confit – chestnuts – onions chutney – apple mash, and a chocolate / raspberry cake. No so bad… entirely out of cans! With that, we drink Porto wine and a 2005 Cahors :-)
As for the music, we abide by the tradition of Christmas carols (a very special adaptation of the famous French song “Petit Papa Noël”):
« Petit Shadok Noël, quand tu descendras du ciel,
Chargé de nuages par milliers. Ta GV, va vite l’affaler.
Mais avant de réduire, il faudra bien te couvrir
Dehors il va bientôt pleuvoir… Bienvenue dans le Pot-au-noir !
Il me tarde tant que le jour se lève, pour voir s’ils vont nous arroser
Tous ces cumulus qui galopent sans trêve, et qui me tiennent éveillée !
Petit Papa Shadok, quand tu affaleras le foc
Rincé par les rafales salées, n’oublie pas ton petit ciré ! »

Way before midnight we can’t wait to open our presents: a still boat where you can stand and leave stuff on the table for Laure, and a loooong full night of more than 12 hours for Camille!
Merry Christmas!!
December the 19th at 1500 UTC
A few days later, the ocean is still deep blue
On December the 19th at 1500 UTC, Saltimbanque is sailing at 8°39N, 44°03W, heading to the 235° at 5 knots. More than 1300 milles since the Cape Verdes, in 11
days. 600 more to go - we're getting there! (now, we have to take the days one by one and not think too eagerly about arriving...)
Our favorite crew wish to send their greetings as well: Bob the reliable windpilot is steering days and nights, never tired. Max the autopilot helps every now and
then, only for the manoeuvres. Nestor the engine is enjoying a long rest. As for the sails, the genua only is working, relentlessly pushing us through the waves, a
bit furled at times of gusts (who says Trade Winds are constant and stable?). The main sail got out of its weeklong sleep yesterday as we were stuck in a calm -
getting closer to the doldrums...
Yesterday was a rainy Sunday, it rained continuously, out of solidarity with the European winter perhaps. Then a heavy tropical shower soaked us through. But don't
worry, water is still at 28° and the sun is back today, back to the wonderful world of the Trade Winds :-)
Anyways the bananas are gone, there are only 2 oranges left in the fruit net. Luckily we won't run out of fish: the mahi-mahi community being so kind with us as to
send a member to our board regularly (last in date was 69cm long).
So, you see, we're doing great here, and thinking a lot about you guys as Christmas is coming!
Dec the 14th at 12 UTC
Cheer up, only 1140 milles to go! (13°03N 35°25W)
On Dec the 14th at 12 UTC we have sailed 703 milles, that's about a third
of the full distance, in 6 days. The main sail is down already long, we haven't
touched the helm in 3 days (thank you Bob!), Saltimbanque is gliding happily
with the genua only and the wind quarter back. The swell is high and sometimes
rough, the
sky partially cloudy, it's not so hot (we have to wear long sleeves at nights!).
Everything alright onboard, we go on our watch rounds routines without being too
tired. We read, play, cook: our specialties are mahi-mahi (we caught a giant of
and more than 5kgs the other day!) and bananas (the bunch we bought green before
leaving is quickly turning from yellow to black now...). Not a single boat in
for more than 3 days now. Only flying fishes, and small birds trying to catch
Kindest greetings from the Trade Winds!
15th November 2011
After 6 months on the seas, reaching the Cape Verdes !
3 days and 10 hours. 376 miles.
This is a moment we had dreamt of so often: here is Saltimbanque, lying at the anchor in the harbor of Palmeira, island of Sal – Cape Verdes! The timing could not have been better: precisely 6 months ago we gave back the keys of our apartment in Rotterdam to live onboard. It’s been 6 months at seas already, and more than 4500 miles further we celebrate this anniversary by landing on the Cape Verdes!
The trip from Dakar went smoothly without a major event, mainly against an increasing wind and growing swell. More details later don't worry you won't be spared anything… as for now the program is: sleep, showers and stamps on our passports… Cape Verdes, here we are!!

First moments on shore
29th October 2011
Back from the islands
Saturday 29th October GMT, Saltimbanque drops the anchor on the African ground, after 858 miles sailed in 7 days and 22 hours - from which the last night was as always very tiring.
Here we are, in Dakar, at the anchorage of the CVD (Cercle de Voile de Dakar). Some pirogues slalom between the yachts, sheep and dogs are being washed on the beach... You have to start every conversation by a long string of "how are you? alright, alright, and you? alright, and the family?".. no doubt: we are in Africa! The anchorage is calm, we enjoy standing without having to clutch to anything, or setting things on the table without having them fly around. A shower first thing in the morning was sheer happiness, and we are already looking forward to sleeping more than 3 hours in a row the next night :o)

The beach where Saltimbanque is anchored: yet a whole new world !
24th October at 12 UTC
Tropical sun!
Hello Earth! Today we play our card "Call to a friend" to give you some
news live from the high seas. We are writing those words at 22°47N , 17°43W
(that's South from the tropic of Cancer and 200 km offshore from the
Western Sahara). Transformed into waves they will bounce back on a
satellite, on a mailbox in Berlin and on a server in Quebec before becoming
words again on your screen.
Everything goes well on-board, after 3 days (and 330 miles). We've had
light winds from the back since the start. Our course is set full South,
the sky is bluer and bluer, the sun hotter and hotter, and we hope for more
good winds to push us along the 500 miles left until Dakar!
Comments are not possible on this post, you can send us a message on Iridium!
12th October
Murphy’s law
Tenerife, technical stop. We had planned to: set up the new gas-cooker, draw a sketch for a cover for the tender, replace a loose ring on the helm, clean the electrical connections and fix the battery-charging issue on the engine (actually fix the engine itself which would not start any more), make a list of the food stocks and replenish what’s needed before crossing, check the joint of the propeller shaft, clean the boat, do a laundry, climb up the mast and grease everything up there, fix a hole in a backpack…

It was about time!
8 days later: we are almost there, but our new helm ring is not helping. First it would not come in its place, now doesn’t want to get out… so here we are, cruising the Santa Cruz shipyards looking for the appropriate tool to extract it, maybe along with some qualified help… on a bank holiday of course*!
PS : it’s a beautiful sunny day, we drive around the island in the day and enjoy the company of our neighbours at night (called Ster-Vraz… what a coincidence ;-) ). So, would not complain too much still!
* the 12th October is the Spanish national holiday, el « dia de la hispanidad », remembering the day when Colombus first landed in the Bahamas.
16th September 2011
Still in Madeira
We are still in Madeira, more precicely in its capital Funchal !
The island is superb, green and very hilly, so different from Porto Santo just near by. We spend energy hiking from flowers to submits, before getting our calories back thanks to local mangos, bananas and punch, and of course Madeira wine ! Saltimbanque would like also to see more, it's been already a week that it's moored in here, but we are deperately waiting for our new gaz cooker, ordered in Lisboa on August 23rd...
So we do not get discouraged and enjoy the local tradition, which tells that visiting boats should draw a picture on the quay of Funchal! Ours is just at the entrance near the welcome pontoon, you can't miss it :o)

Tadaaaaaa !
30th August 2011
Land ahoy !!
4 days and 19 hours. 506 miles.
6 ships seen 5 sunsets and sunrises, a little bit over 4 knots in average speed, 3 days in a good wind, 2 (long) nights without – and 1 tuna fish!
Here we are in Porto Santo, the island in the North of the Madeira archipelago. We are getting used to the sun (we’re as south as Morocco now!). We are getting used to the big dry rocky summits overlooking the harbour, after a few days of infinite blue horizon. Not yet completely landed. Still almost surprised to have found this piece of land, this tiny piece of land in the middle of the ocean.
Found internet too. And a shower. (In that order – you know our sense of priorities…). Next objective: the beach :o)

Arriving to Porto Santo as the sun rises
20th August 2011
But...where is Saltimbanque?
Indeed, he’s gone a long way already our little floating home grey and blue. He’s seen five countries, dozens of ports, rivers, beaches, cliffs, anchorages... Today we have a special game to entertain our faithful audience: can you find out where Saltimbanque is hiding in every picture?
In the crowded City...

... and in quiet Galician islands

When he’s the Big Boy on the Glenan islands...

... and when he’s the little one in the posh marina of Vigo

Hiding up a river in Brittany, until the winds calm down...


... to sail away to the bluer skies of Spain...


... (well, skies in Spain are not always blue!)


You’re still there? Well done! Time for the very last question: where is Saltimbanque right now?
38°42,13 N 9°10,03 W
Good luck in finding us out :o) – in the meanwhile, we have a city to visit and a boat to prepare before our next crossing!
3rd August 2011
Kind regards from Galicia
It's been 10 days already that we are in Spain. We adapted quickly to the "holiday mood" again. Same as in South Brittany, but with siesta time. Our days are well-spent between day-sailing along the coast, mooring at the end of hidden rias, walking under the sun and ... trying local specialties...
Here you can see... our diner! Those of you who have been working in seismic will briefly shiver ("and rightly so", Camille insists) upon recognizing some nice juicy barnacles. The others will just pull a disgusted face, "yerk"! You're wrong, the meat of the peduncle of these nice little things is delicious. Once pressed between the thumb and the forefinger that is. A technical move that can be swiftly executed after years of practice, as can be concluded from the smooth demonstration of the waiter.


The lighthouse on Cabo Vilano, glowing on the "Coast of Death" - nice welcoming place...
To digest this all, we walk along the shore, and until the Cape Finisterre. After La Corunna, we stop for a few days in the little city of Camariñas, moor in the rias of Muros and Arosa, and here we are, in Vilagarcia de Arousa. From there we cheat a little bit and take a train for the last kilometers to Santiago de Compostela :o)
Coming up on the agenda: laundry (!!) then sailing further to the South. Probably with the engine as the wind seems to be on holidays too...
The full article about Spain is under construction, patience! In the meanwhile you are invited to enjoy a couple of new short movies by Saltimbanque-production on our page film.
24th July 2011
¡Estamos en España!
Here we go, this time we are really on to the Great Adventure! 3 days and 3 nights at sea, far from shore, further than the continental shelf, on waters deeper than 4000m: we gained the label "Bay of Biscay", making high-seas-sailors of us :o)
2 days, 23 hours and 50 minutes for 351 milles, Saltimbanque has gone pretty well. He must have felt the attraction to the South as well... as for us, we hear definitely the tapas calling!

Palm trees and deep blue sky, we landed on another planet!
13th July 2011
Stocking up water, tin cans and bright smiles – good to go!
We’ve spent last week frantically running around the harbour in Concarneau, to clear the last items of our to-do list. One of our favorite activities has been to fill up four shopping carts with tin cans and rice packs – and then fit that all onboard. Nestor was not left aside: with a new joint and a thoroughly checked axis, he just signed for a few more years on duty!

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please: for your amusement and entertainment the Great Magician Camille will make a mountain of cans disappear into the hull!

Ready for the Ocean !
Then at the end of the week we had the visit of our families and friends. Some of them discovering Brittany for the first time, others already well acquainted with this end of the world – all of them enjoying the region a lot. We had a tour of the boat, nice meals in the garden, and even a swim for the bravest. That was the greatest departure weekend, full of friendship and smiles to take away with us.
Tonight we are back on the boat, waiting for a good moment to sail away. We need three to four days to cross the Bay of Biscay and they show some strong winds at the end of the week, so it won’t be before Sunday...
(and indeed this is a beautiful island!)
Saltimbanque is in holiday mood, strolling amongst the nice little islands of South Brittany, under the sun. We even dug out our shorts, burried under two layers of fleece, and had a swim in the blue waters of the Glénan lagoon!
Yet don't be mistaken, even from an island one can keep aware of what's happening in the world...

... the European unity, soon gone with the wind...
But as for now, our legs are starting to itch...Dutch habits are strong, and bikes seem the perfect way to see more of the island!
It's been already one month since we set sails and left our "thuishaven" Stad aan't Haringvliet. One month that we are living on the boat, sailing around the inland waters, the Thames, the North Sea and the Channel, slowly making our way West, towards the Big Ocean.
It feels somehow longer. Camille doesn't speak the word "Triton" more than once or twice a day already and Laure is showing some good progress recovering from her Blackberry-addiction. Strolling around this well-known playfield of North Brittany (today we are sending you our best from l'Aber Ildut), enjoying old memories and dark wheat crepes, it feels almost like a very long summer holidays. A transition period. Putting our previous life behind us, walking towards the Big Adventure - when we go South!
June 11th 2011
Back home, introductions and a few updates
Haaaaa, Brittany, pink granite rocks, gannets, dark wheat crepes...
Since a few days we are strolling around, pushed by the tidal streams, enjoying the beautiful coastline paved with rocks and slowly making our way from Paimpol towards the West... more in the next article of course, don’t be so impatient! Ok, if you insist, here are a couple of pictures in the meanwhile; it’s so beautiful.

Sunset on a mooring in Tregastel

Into the Trieux river
So for this weekend they say strong winds (again). If we have to stay stuck, then at least let’s stay stuck in an agreeable place. Like Trebeurden, for example. This charming little town was the first home harbour of Saltimbanque while we were living in Paris, we have nice memories here...
Enjoying the free wifi in the harbour as well: we finally managed to compress and put online some videos. Discover them on the page "Pictures".
Last but not least, it is time for you to meet another crew member. He doesn’t say much but has a well-formed opinion, always present above our heads in the cabin. This is Captain Shadok! (Those of you not familiar with those weird birds – click here for some enlightening info on the Shadoks). From his upper position, he outs every now and then some piece of high wisdom – in the purest tradition of the Shadokian philosophy (“I pump, therefore I am” and its equivalent onboard “I take a reef, therefore I am”). This is the story of his first weeks sailing.
As for now, it’s time to go pick up some winkles… have a nice weekend!
June 1st 2011
Pitstop in Brighton
Monday, 7 in the morning, the wind decreased finally (still from the same direction though: west west west). Full of enthusiasm and happy to strecht our keel a bit, we take off the now very well known Dover harbour. Direction full West, the Isle of Wight.
We tack, we tack, we tack again, the wind changes constantly, it rains, waves from the front break our speed. It is not a relaxing trip. Tuesday night at last, shore ahoy! The sun is setting down as we get to the entrance of the Solent. The tide is changing... We call on Nestor to get us through the last 20 miles... key on - beeeeeeeeep! A continuous sounding alarm without an obvious reason: we have to count on the sails only. The current is now strong against us blowing us away from the bay. Reluctantly we give up Portsmouth and bear away to the next shelter on the leaside: Brighton.
One more night on sea, we moor Saltimbanque at the visitors' quay in Brighton as the sun goes up. In a few hours the motorists workshops will open, but right now time to sleep!
(PS: After a thorough check by a specialist, the engine is declared apt to run. A few things need to be done during a longer stay in Brittany, but we can rely on faithful Nestor to get us there if need be)
. |

One of the few good moments of this trip - fresh fish for lunch!
May 26th 2011
What's that??
Going up the Thames was long and difficult (see the article "London City"), going down went pretty swiftly. Wind and current got together to expel us from the river, in less than 5 hours...
In the estuary we bumped into those weird things... alien spiders petrified by rust while attempting to invade the Thames? Shephards-robots looking after the windmills flock nearby?
We have been obsessed with this question ever since... a call to the big brains of this world, please help us shed some light on the mystery!
PS: this is posted from the harbour office of Dover, where we are sheltered from... guess what ... yes! Yet another storm... force 9 today, they're saying... :-(
May 17th 2011
Live from Flushing
Two days later... we are still in the Netherlands. Strong southwesterly winds transformed our plans of great crossing to prudent first steps in the inland waterways... Yesterday at the entrance of the Roompot, tonight in Flushing, we gain ground, slowly but surely, towards the South West. We are also well positionned to take advantage of the first opportunity... tomorrow maybe?
(In the meanwhile we enjoy some wifi in the harbour and would like to invite you to read about our last days onshore - to be found in the Saltimbook)
May 14th 2011
Let the adventure begin!
Here we go, all our belongings have been dropped for storage at our parents' places, the keys to our flats handed back, our cars parked - we are free! Saltimbanque is waiting.
We went shopping for some fresh fruit and vegetables. Friends are driving us to the boat tomorrow. After bringing some order onboard, we will perhaps set sails in the afternoon, to get closer to the seaside lock.
Weather forecasts are rather dull for the days to come: as expected the wind veered south-west two days before our departure - that is to say: blowing exactly to our face, after a month and a half of constant north-east... We were so much convinced that that would happen that it doesn't bother us that much! By the way if you want to have a look at weather charts for the North Sea, click HERE.
After the two last weeks of carefully planned moves and fully optimized days, our agenda for the next year looks suddenly empty! Our planning ahead feels as blurred and moving as the immense territory we will explore.
Talk to you soon, next time we happen to find some internet connection on our route...
May 4th 2011
Moving out, episode 2
After a few hours of sleep, it's time for action ! We spare you all the arrangement issues and other metaphysical questions, here is the summary of the day based on a few pictures!

Yeepee everything fits in the car ! But surprisingly it does not make us more confident so far...

Let's start with food!

The most important items are safe onboard !

Food for thought ... as well as information to enter the harbours !

Lunch break, watching the nice little ducklings on the Haringvliet...

Everything nicely gets together in, medicines in their bag naturally fit at the top of the "bathroom"

But we still have much available space, even with the guitar !!

But really, this boat is actually huge ! All our clothes just nicely fit in :oD

It went so well actually that we still have time to tighten up the propeller joint... but... Laure !!!! give me this camera back NOW !!!!!!!
Your messages:
Didier - 10/05/2011 13:21:27 Il y avait même encore de la place pour y mettre la voiture :-)
la mamou - 05/05/2011 09:01:30 voilà un bateau qui commence à ressembler à quelque chose de sympathique ;-)))
May 3rd 2011
Moving out, episode 1
First step when you move out, you need to pack stuff! But when moving in something smaller, you need to make choices...
Our objective, have all our clothes for a year and a half fit in one backpack per person maximum, including the shoes! Not advised to shopping addicts...

Success, but fortunately we are heading to warm countries...

Eventually we have sort of a big pile to fit first in the Clio car and then in the boat: clothes, dishes, food, medicines and even a guitar! How will we manage to get everything in Saltimbanque? Answer in our next post !
1st May 2011
After the final sprint of the last days, the last handshakes, the last goodbyes, flowers (or beers), here we are - officially FREE!
Free, no laptop, no blackberry... but what are our concerns now?
My uncle asks (on a text message - he's adept of modern technologies):
"First questions of the exclusive interview for international magazine "World Wide Woman":
- How do you experience the sudden shift from the hectic life of an executive woman to the life of a sea-adventuress?
- Do you feel guilty leaving your job?
- Which memories of your professionnal life do you bring with you on the boat?
- Has the exhiliration of the high seas already filled your nights?
- How much of your conversations with your companion do the preparations take?
- What would you like to share right now with your fans?
This questioning echoes the questions filling our days:
- Where did you put the ducktape?
- The old cupboard, we throw it away right?
- What do you think, should we do some more washing as the sun is shining?
- What about a picnic by the lake?
To those questions and all the others, we will answer in our next edition...
That being said, it's cocktail hour :-)
9th April 2011
A new article in the Saltim-Book!
You have already been introduced to the Saltim-Blog (that's where you are) . We post there short and (hopefully) regular news: for instance "the site is online", "we made it safe to the next harbour", "crayfish was excellent tonight"... etc. It's time for you to meet the Saltim-Book.
The SaltimBook intends to be a sort of e-book of our adventure, that we'll be able to read as a true book afterwards. We intend to give more details, less frequently: for example explain our preparation, the diary of a cross-sailing, secrets of a small island or any other experience worth telling - with of course many pictures!
SaltimBlog and SaltimBook are both to be found inder the page Log Book (just give it a try, the button is on your left, a bit above, here you go!)
But as we are extra nice, so we prepared a shortcut for you: on the home page clicking on the icon Log Book will bring you directly to the last article posted, whatever it is in the Saltim-Blog or in the Saltim-Book!
Are you still with us? So normally you should find by yourself our new article called "Winter Preparation" which opens the Saltim-Book! A small hint, just click here if you are lost ;o)
April 8th 2011
Happy birthday Camille!
Yeap, that's her big day today!
(and also I must admit the first time I am trying to code anything alone on this website..)
So, I'm sorry there's no space here to leave her a comment as usual but...if you think about her strong enough I'm sure she will hear it!
1st April 2011
Back to the water !
After long months of hibernation, hull and keel outside, Saltimbanque finally got back to his natural environment after an eventful day...
It all started serenely: less than two hours before the official back-to-water time, we still have a gaping hole (missing a valve) and our propeller is fixed to ...nothing... The harbourmaster ensures nonetheless that everything will be fine. Indeed, with one little hour of delay, Saltimbanque is flying away on the travlift and elegantly landing in the water.
First checks: no water coming in, the boat is still as waterproof as the tin can it imitates :-D
Even more reassuring, the engine starts off very quickly! Try forwards, try backwards, and here we go, freed from the straps and sailing to our place.

The moment of Truth...
Putputputputputput (that’s the engine)
Putput...put...putput...puuut...put...........put....................no more put….
Starting off again ?
No put....
No put at all...
Kaput the engine...
Well, plan B : we take the oars out. In that case, the steering oar is very well ( !!) secured at the front of the boat. We sort of tie the oar to the boat with a piece of string (the real hook is lost in the chaos inside)... despite Camille’s dexterity, the good southern wind is inexorably blowing us out of the harbour...
Damned! A plan C anyone? (the sails are neatly folded away for the winter at the bottom of the bunk, they won’t help out this time...)
The harbour’s men, having laughed enough about us already, finally got their little dinghy out and towed us to our place.
The rest of the weekend we spent refitting the boat: changing the oil, cleaning the deck, folding and setting the sails, checking the mast...
Conclusion : do not ever trust a joker of an engine – especially if you need it on a 1st of April!

The steering oar : « Well, I’m very glad I took part ... I’ll try and do better next time ! »
Your messages:
Thierry - 09/04/2011 08:53:23 Et oui les moteurs, c'est farceur et pour les punir: une bonne purge.
Sympa ce blog
Bravo les filles
Camille - 03/04/2011 22:23:35 Et bien je pense vraiment que c'est un petit coquin de farceur, car après juste une petite purge du circuit de diesel, il fonctionne parfaitement et a tourné plus d'une heure ce week-end à notre place de port. Il avait besoin de reprendre ses marques après 6 mois au sec j'imagine...
la mamou - 03/04/2011 10:18:15 Il est trop beau , votre bateau !!!!:-)))
Mais Hannibal (?) quand même , est-ce bien de son age de faire la blague du "a plus pout " un 1 Avril ???
en tout cas , vous lire est un vrai bonheur !!
merci les filles !!
March 25th 2011
The site is now online!
That’s it! The website we have been working for months is finally online. The structure is done and dusted - the content will come as we’re living our dream…
In the meantime there are already some general articles online for you to discover.
Please do report any issue you can spot on the website!
Your messages:
Marlene dit Tagada - 02/04/2011 01:16:18 Il est top votre site!! j'adore la rubrique equipage!!! C'est top le "vu par"!!vivement les photos et vos récits!